Member Forms

Print these forms, fill them out, and bring them to the next event.

Competition Rules

All rules of competition will be determined by a majority vote of the rules committee. The rules committee will be made of a representitive appointed by each of our member range or match directors. Any freedom benchrest member may suggest a rule change to a member range or match director prior to september 1 of any year and the rules committee will vote whether to accept the rule change request or not. If the suggestion is given a positive vote it will become a new rule in our rule book at the beginning of the next year. The board of directors does not have a vote in any rule change with the exception of breaking a tie among the rules committee. Any member range that hosts both 600 and 1000 yard competition will be able to appoint two representitves to the rules committee.


In this first year of Competition (2024) we will ask our Match Directors to retain any potential Record Targets whether Paper or Electronic. We will track and record, on our website, all of the Records shot according to our Rule Book. At the end of the Freedom BR shooting season we will recognize the best Aggregate and single Targets as records. There will be a category for Electronic and another for Paper entries. Please notify Jim Bauer with any potential records so they may be tracked as the year progresses.

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